Thoughts on the Ministry Leader’s Capitol Summit

Did you know there is a walkway and stairs between the outside of the dome and the inside of the dome at the state capitol? It is very, very narrow! And very, very cool! I was honored to take the VIP tour of the capitol dome along with a few others that came to the SD Ministry Leaders’ Capitol Summit. The day was filled with talking to our legislators, meeting new friends, hearing from some good folks, and praying together.

As the church we have a civil responsibility to be involved in our communities, state, and nation. Some are given to that; God gave them a mind that can wrap around all that, just like He gave some of us a mind to be protectors. Two of the twelve disciples were packing weapons! He gifts us each differently, and the church needs those that have a bent towards the civil arena (politics) to help keep the rest of us informed as to what is happening, and what we can do to be salt and light.

Alliance Defending Freedom was also at the Capitol last week and encouraged us with the legal help they are able to offer our churches in this work. It was a good day in Pierre. We hope to see you all again next year! Remember, our struggle is not against people; it is against the powers of this present darkness, the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places. So be strong as you remember who you are in Christ, and be praying all the time. One day, we will get the VIP tour of the Mountain of God, and that will rock your soul!

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