Scorecards on Family, Life & Marijuana

How did your Legislators vote? It’s important to know how your elected officials are voting on the issues that are important to you! There are several scorecards that highlight issues impacting the family.


Family Values – FHA Action scores bills that directly impact the family in South Dakota, you will find topics like parental rights, education choice, CRT, sanctity of life, and more! To see the FHA Action scorecards, CLICK HERE.


Life – SD Right to life produces a scorecard every election year to highlight which legislators stood up for the sanctity of life over the past two years. To see the SDRTL scorecard, CLICK HERE.


Marijuana – In recent years marijuana has become a hot-topic of discussion, and this year at the Capitol there were over 40 bills introduced. The marijuana industry published a scorecard showing which legislators are pro-marijuana and which are against it. Legislators who voted for marijuana expansions received the “highest” scores, and those who recognize the harms of marijuana received the “lowest” scores. To see the marijuana industry scorecard, CLICK HERE.


Primary Election Dates

Absentee Voting Begins: April 22

Primary Election Voter Registration Deadline: May 23

Primary Election: June 7

General Election Dates

Absentee Voting Begins: September 23

General Election Voter Registration Deadline: October 24

General Election: November 8

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