Here’s why parental rights should be codified in federal law – and how you can help

parents, family

A Louisiana congresswoman put forth a bill to codify parental rights into federal law amid numerous state-level battles that seek to indoctrinate children with the liberal, LGBT agenda. The commonsense bill was co-sponsored by 73 Republicans and narrowly passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 213-208, with every Democrat and five Republicans voting against the bill. It now approaches the Senate, where more dissent is expected.

The bill echoes HB 1246, a one-sentence bill passed through South Dakota’s House in 2022 with a vote of 63-5, only to be struck down in a Senate committee. The legislation read: “The fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of a child rests with the parents.”

The principle of parental rights is so basic – so inherent – and yet it is a constant battle between the Left and Right. Conservatives hold the fundamental value that parents will always be more equipped and better able to raise their children than the government and, furthermore, that it is not a responsibility or a burden that the government should bear, except in rare circumstances.

“This bill is the vehicle by which we can put parents and educators together at the same table to have a productive dialogue,” the bill’s sponsor, Representative Julia Letlow, said. “This bill is not complex or complicated, nor should it be partisan or polarizing.”

Letlow’s bill rests on five basic principles of parental rights:

  1. Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught.
  2. Parents have the right to be heard.
  3. Parents have the right to see the school budget and spending.
  4. Parents have the right to protect their child’s privacy.
  5. Parents have the right to keep their children safe.

As states individually pass laws that infringe on parents’ abilities to protect their children, we need a federal law to codify parental rights in the education system. Many conservative states are proactively passing laws to protect parental rights and conservative values in the education system, but it may not be enough – especially for Democrat-led states.

“Community fixtures like our schools play a vital role in every child’s upbringing, but parents’ role can’t be diminished or replaced by an institutionalized approach to education,” Representative Garret Graves said. “This bill will ensure parents have a clear voice in their child’s education.”

As H.R. 5 comes up for a vote in the Senate, we encourage you to contact your federal senators and voice your strong support for the bill. Click here to find contact information for South Dakota’s senators. 

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