What do the delivery guy, the neighbor lady, and the marijuana man have in common?

Over the weekend I was climbing a tree in our front yard to prune a few dead branches. As I was in the tree, a delivery guy pulled into our neighbor’s driveway and shouted, “Don’t cut the one you’re sitting on!” “No kidding!” I laughed back.

A few seconds later, seeing my “No on G” yard sign, he called over “What is G?” “Abortion” I yelled back, still up in the tree – “They want the ability to kill babies in all nine months.” He shook his head, “Well I would tend to agree, yeah – that’s too extreme.”

A couple day later my son was pretending to mow the front lawn with his toy bubble mower. A lady was driving by, saw my yard sign, and stopped to ask “What’s G?” “Abortion” I called back, “They want abortion in all 9 months.”

She threw up her hands and said “No way – you got my vote. I’m a no,” and drove off.

A couple weeks ago, Caroline and I were talking with people at the fairgrounds about their opinions on abortion. We went to the pro-marijuana booth, and asked the marijuana advocate about his thoughts on abortion. “Not all nine months, but I definitely agree in abortion early term. Late term, sure, there are examples” he said. Then pointed out “You know, if the kid is nine months old and gonna be healthy then I’d like to see the kid live, for sure.”

We didn’t find a single person at the fair that day who was ok with babies being aborted in the later months of pregnancy – even the ones who wanted abortion in the early months.

So what do these three people have in common? The delivery driver, our neighbor, the marijuana advocate, none of them want abortion in all nine months. Even these brief, 30-second conversations with voters was enough to unpack the severity of the issue at hand.

The delivery guy came to the neighborhood again yesterday, this time to our house. “Hey thanks for putting those signs up man, I heard about what G would do.” “You’re welcome” I said, and told him to reach out if he wanted one. “Yeah, I’ll take one now if you have them!” We walked over to my garage, grabbed a sign, and he walked back to his delivery vehicle with a smile on his face.

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What do the delivery guy, the neighbor lady, and the marijuana man have in common?

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