Three Major Shifts That Give Us Hope for 2025 and Beyond

The outlook for the conservative movement over the next two to four years is bright, thanks to the major victories scored in the 2024 General Election. But beyond those legislative victories, we are witnessing a cultural realignment that gives us hope for the future. Here are three major shifts in the younger generation that signal the “woke era” is losing steam.

First, we noticed an incredible shift in voting patterns among the younger generation in the presidential election. With the exception of college-aged white women, young voters became more red across the board.

“While Democrats traditionally rely on young voters, the 2020 election saw a surprising shift, with President-elect Donald Trump making significant gains among 18-29-year-olds,” PBS reported. “This trend isn’t isolated to this election; Gen Z voters have been moving rightward in the past three election cycles. Notably, Trump’s success with young men was particularly pronounced, but the trend toward the Republican Party was noticeable across gender lines. This shift signals a new challenge for candidates seeking to engage Gen Z voters.” (emphasis added)

Second, Millennial fathers are spending triple the amount of time with their kids than previous generations. More dads are staying home to care for their kids. Additionally, “Dads see parenting as central to their identity. Dads are just as likely as moms to say that parenting is extremely important to their identity,” a PEW research report about American fathers found.

“Dads are much more involved in child care than they were 50 years ago. In 2016, fathers reported spending an average of eight hours a week on child care – about triple the time they provided in 1965,” the report continued. “And fathers put in about 10 hours a week on household chores in 2016, up from four hours in 1965. By comparison, mothers spent an average of about 14 hours a week on child care and 18 hours a week on housework in 2016.”

The active role of fathers in the home is a significant predictor of children’s success and well-being later in life. The increased involvement of caring fathers in healthy families can only mean good things for future generations.

Lastly, and most importantly, data shows that Gen Z is turning away from progressivism and toward God, Summit Ministries reported. In 2023, about one in three individuals aged 18 to 25 said they believed in the existence of God. In 2021, that number was one in four. The younger generation is looking toward God and Christianity for clarity in a time of deep cultural confusion.

“The positive trends I’m seeing in this generation almost defy imagination,” Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, shared. “The rising generation has grown frustrated with the woke agenda and they’re looking for the truth.”

With these encouraging trends, we are in a position to create real cultural and political change, unlike anything we’ve seen in the last few decades. Rather than the woke agenda gaining momentum, they’re losing it. There is no room for complacency during the next four years; it’s time to act. Will you join us in capitalizing on the incredible opportunities God has placed before us in 2025? Click here to get involved in Family Voice’s vision for the coming years.

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