House Democrats try to erase women and religious freedom with a ‘Transgender Bill of Rights’

A group of 89 House Democrats introduced a Transgender Bill of Rights” that poses serious threats to women’s sports, religious liberty, and freedom of conscience for medical professionals.

“With this resolution, we salute the resilience and courage of trans people across our country, and outline a clear vision of what we must do in Congress in order to allow trans people to lead full, happy lives,” said Rep. Jayapal (D-WA) in a statement.

The bill is riddled with gender ideology, propaganda, buzzwords and several items that are cause for concern.

First, the bill aims to “ensure that transgender and nonbinary people have equal access to services and public accommodations” and “ensure transgender and nonbinary people have the ability to provide for themselves and their families.” While these statements are concerningly vague, the Biden administration will likely use this section of the bill to infringe upon the religious freedom of faith-based businesses. It likely also means that people who “identify” as transgender would legally be allowed to use whichever restroom or facility that matches their gender identity as opposed to their biological sex.

Moreover, the bill would “promote the safety of trans and nonbinary people” and “enforce the civil rights of transgender people.” The left could use this portion of the law to grant LGBT people a number of special privileges at the expense of Christians.

Jayapal’s statement also notes that the bill would amend “the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to explicitly include gender identity and sex characteristics as protected characteristics and amending federal education laws to explicitly clarify that they protect students from discrimination based on gender identity and sex characteristics.”

By amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Democrats are attempting to redefine the term “woman” and equate gender-confused men to biological women. This means that any man who believes he is a woman would be legally permitted to compete against female athletes, and it would be illegal for sports teams to disallow members of the opposite sex to compete on their teams.

In other words, women’s sports as we know it would soon be erased. No matter how hard they train, women will know that there is nothing they can do to match the physical capabilities of the men that are unfairly competing against them. Our representatives are telling us to ignore science and biology, reject God’s design, and live by lies.

This amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would also mean that sex-segregated restrooms and facilities would be a thing of the past. Women would be forced to share locker rooms with men, violating their privacy rights and threatening their safety.

Another section of the bill aims to “expand access to gender-affirming medical care, codifying the right to abortion and contraception, [and] protecting transgender people from discrimination in healthcare.” “Gender-affirming medical care” includes “transition” procedures that mutilate healthy bodies and inject cross-sex hormones into adolescents who are too young to be making life-altering decisions about their bodies.

This section could also infringe upon the conscience rights of physicians by forcing them to perform harmful surgeries or offer procedures that they morally or medically disagree with. For example, if a female who believes she is a male wants a hysterectomy and breast removal, the doctor would be required to perform the surgery or face legal consequences.

While the left continues to push these procedures onto young children, countless detranstioners have come forward to tell their heartbreaking stories of how they were victimized by transgender ideologues and are now suffering from irreversible damage.

One detransitioner named Richie Herron calls his “transition” surgery “the biggest mistake of his life” and is experiencing painful complications, including incontinence, numbness and infertility. Richie’s is just one of numerous similar stories.

With this bill, House Democrats are promoting dangerous lies, bodily harm, and psychological derangement while legally erasing women.


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