Christianity & Homosexuality

Our Rapid City and Sioux Falls events were both a success! If you weren’t able to make it, we’ve posted the event presentation below!

We are better together, and were glad to be joined by John Witherspoon College, SD Right to Life, Black Hills Pregnancy Center & Passages in Rapid City as well as Abstinence Clearinghouse, Adrienne Hartman, Sioux Falls Right to Life, Call to Freedom & Americans for Prosperity in Sioux Falls!

Rapid City Luncheon
Sioux Falls Luncheon

“…I am proud to be a gay son of God.” Many in our world have come to accept the idea that Christianity and homosexual marriage no longer conflict, and that we as the church should wholly accept this form of marriage. Norman discusses what cause this worldview shift, as well as how we as Christians should respond!

Christianity & Homosexuality – How We Should Respond
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